Homestay on the Swahili Coast – Our Reflections of Stahabu, Tanzania
“Stahabu was such a refreshing and enriching experience. I love the culture of sharing and being able to give back by teaching and building the nursing school.” -Cara
“My family in Stahabu was so amazing and welcoming. My mama and baba were patient with my limited Kiswahili and super loving. I also had two little brothers who were tons of fun to hang out with.” – Maya
“My time in Stahabu was an eye-opening experience. From playing endlessly with my 4 year old brother to playing cards with my baba while he taught me Kiswahili and I taught him English, I had an amazing time. While the food, privacy, and culture were very different from my own, I still found a way to enjoy my time there.” – Oliver
“One of my favorite memories while staying at Stahabu was doing laundry. My mama and I went near her farm, which is a little outside the village. She taught me how to hand wash my clothes. But the best part was the beautiful view. I’m definitely going to remember that morning with my mama. ” – Courtney
“Being in Stahabu was amazing. My favorite part was sitting every night with my mama and my siblings next to the fire while my mama cooked and we watched the stars. This was an experience I will never forget.” – Rachel
“My favorite part of Stahabu was every night I spent with my family. My mama, two sisters, and brother would sit outside stargazing and playing games. It was so cool because even though there was a language divide, we were able to bond through non-communicative experiences.” – Jessie
“The homestay in Stahabu was an unforgettable experience. I really loved connecting with my family even though there was a language barrier. I did different things like teaching them how to play UNO, doing laundry with my mama, cooking with my mama and her friend, and going to the beach with them. It was so cool to get out of my comfort zone and see a completely different way to live. Learning about their culture in such an immersive way was amazing.” – Ciara
“Being exposed to a language like that was amazing. I have never learned something faster.” – Carly
“My homestay family became my second family. I had so many amazing and new experiences. I can’t even begin to explain how amazing my time in Stahabu was.” – Jonah
“Words will never make the proper phrases to explain how amazing and life changing living in Stahabu was for the past couple of days. I experienced cooking, washing, cleaning and diving into a new language, and enjoyed working at a nursery school while helping plaster and build another school. I now have a second home and I will forever be grateful for this experience.” – Jackie
“Stahabu was unlike any area I have experienced. From the romote location, food, language, and culture it generated an amazing week. I plan on returning in the near future.” – Daniel
“My time in Stahabu was amazing. The whole village was like a big family, and they welcomed us all with open arms. My host brothers always greeted me by chanting “dada” which means sister. My homestay sister, Mwasiti, smiled every time she saw me. It was a great experience and I hope I can come back to see them again someday.” – Ali
“The Stahabu village went far beyond my expectations. The moment I arrived I already felt the energy of the people welcoming us into their homes. Spending time with my family opened my eyes to how much work and effort people dedicate to their daily lives. They were very sweet and patient even when I had a hard time communicating with them in Swahili. Being able to hear the ocean from the village was a memorable experience I’ll never forget and looking up at the beautiful stars in the sky, is an image I’ll treasure forever.” – Dolly