For the past 11 days, each student has immersed themselves in the daily life of a French host family in Nîmes. Students cooked meals, learned about French music, games, and dances, and bonded with host siblings. Yesterday, we said our goodbyes and are now in Italy!
Here are some highlights of the group excursions in the region, as well as the homestay experience:
Watching France Win the World Cup:
“From watching the World Cup in a restaurant in Paris to a local pizza shop in Nîmes, the spirit was consistent. It always felt like a community even if you weren’t the most French person in the room. I had a great time seeing people be passionate and getting to experience the French spirit.”- Nicole

Touring ancient Roman Ruins in Nîmes:
“Roaming around this ancient city brought a lot of historical awareness to the experimenters. We got to see a short film about the birth of the ancient artifacts and afterwards got the opportunity to visit them in person . My favorite part was going to the arena where the ancient Romans fought against each other . We got to see a view of Nîmes and roam around the arena just like the civilians in ancient times used to do.”- Aileen

Touring the salt works of Aiguës-Mortes:

Canoeing under the Pont du Gard:
“Canoeing was so fun and serene. I loved saving a shoe and having deep talks with Ashton. Teaching Giselle how to swim was definitely a highlight. The group bonded a lot more which is wonderful.”-Ruby
“Kayaking was the best activity we did as a group. It was so fun and cool seeing the Pont du Gard!”- Juliet

Host family Memories and the Farewell Party:
“My favorite memory from my homestay was definitely the night I spent with my host mom’s family. Her parents made me a special Spanish dish, paella, in honor of me. I spent the afternoon running around and swimming with my host Mom’s niece and nephew. Even though they knew no English, we automatically clicked and bonded. I spent about five hours with my host Mom’s family that night as we got to know each other. They taught me French yard games and I taught them English. The best part of the night was by far when my host Mom’s father saw me looking at all the stars in the sky and started pointing out constellations even though he knew no English. I’ll never forget that night.”- Ashton- Kate C. Veal
“Saying goodbye to my homestay family was most definitely the hardest part of this experience. I had no idea I would become so close to them. They made me feel at home from the first day I arrived and never failed to make me happy.”-Elida
“My homestay experience has been unforgettable and amazing and it’s because of the wonderful family that I had. They made me feel at home even when home is 6,000 kilometers away. They made me feel welcomed and I will cherish every moment that I spent with them. From hiking down to the river, cooking for the first time, watching The Greatest Showman and french cartoons together, playing with babies and taking them to the park, trying the different types of cheese, everything was marvelous. I wouldn’t change anything. I cried multiple times when it was time to leave. Instead of saying “goodbye,” we exchanged “see you soon.” They have become an important part of my life.”-Giselle