
Spanish Language through the Arts

Improve your Spanish with language practice through the arts as you explore Madrid and Andalucía’s cultural landmarks and hidden treasures.

  • Art

  • Language

  • Outdoor Activity


From cave art to street art, architecture, and film, Spanish art is one of the largest cultural heritages in the world. Begin your Experiment in Spain’s capital, Madrid, exploring the famous sights, museums, and neighborhoods while trying authentic foods such as paella and pulpo. Take a day trip to Toledo, the “Imperial City,” known for its 2,000+ years of history, before continuing on to the province of Andalucía in southern Spain, where you will dive into art workshops taught in Spanish.

Your Spanish language immersion continues with a stay in an Andalusian town, where you will enjoy home-cooked meals and visit local markets, beaches, and cafés with your friends and host family. Experience Spain’s outdoors with activities in beautiful natural landscapes.

Your group will develop your Spanish language skills through exposure and practice in art workshops, experiential learning activities, homestay family engagement, peer-to-peer practice, and more in Guadix. You will improve your language through immersive arts training, delivered fully in Spanish. You will practice by doing, using Spanish skills in ceramics, theater, flamenco, or other art classes. Present what you have learned through a talent showcase presentation at the end of your program.

Engaging with local Spanish youth is an integral part of your learning journey, fostering cultural exchange and broadening your perspective on Spanish society. Through shared activities and dialogue, you will not only gain new insights, but also share your thoughts with your Experimenter group and local Spanish students. 

Finally, return to Madrid for a final reflection with your group before departing for home.


The Experiment’s programs are designed to build skills that will help you succeed. In Spain, you will learn:


  • Spanish language


  • Intercultural communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • Relationship-building


  • Outdoor activities include hiking and water activities such as swimming.
  • Temperatures and humidity can be very high in Spain during the summer.
  • Students will explore urban life on foot (lots of walking!) and learn to navigate the public transit system.
  • During this program, you will stay with a host family on weekends and at a student dormitory (residencia) during the week.
  • Cities in Spain are increasingly vegetarian/vegan-friendly, and gluten-free options are not difficult to find.
  • Access to the internet is limited and internet speeds and connectivity vary.
  • The diverse personal and social identities of participants may, in part, shape their experience abroad. In-country partners will discuss cultural norms and the local context during orientation. Please read our approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for further information. All students will have a safe space within the program spaces and with the local staff and group leaders.
  • The Experiment program structure is rooted in experiential learning and cohort-based learning. The participant group experience is a major source of learning for Experimenters and is facilitated by trained Experiment group leaders.


Program Availability

No Longer Enrolling

Program Date

Jul 1 - Jul 30


Spanish (at least one year)

Program Fee*


(does not include airfare)
Group Airfare Cost


Departure City

New York, NY

*Program fees may increase by
$500 -$1000 to account for changes
to lodging accommodations.

  • Lodging
  • Meals
  • All program activities
  • In-country transportation
  • Health insurance
  • Experienced group leader

Families or partner organizations are also responsible for arranging and paying for participants' domestic travel to the international departure/return airport in the U.S., whether flying, driving or by other means. By its nature, domestic airfare varies by airline, timing, destination, and availability.

My Spanish has improved tenfold! Anyone who wants to learn a new language, a new culture, immerse themselves into everything that a country has to offer, should go on an Experiment program.

Sample Itinerary

This itinerary is only a sample and is subject to change. Because of factors such as group size and availability of in-country offerings such as festivals, your experience — including sites visited and the number of days spent in each location — may differ somewhat from the one presented below.

View Itinerary Details

Days 1–3

Orientation in Madrid

  • Learn about the history and culture of Spain through visits to famous sites and museums throughout the city, such as the Palacio Real, Prado Museum, Reina Sofía Museum, Plaza de la Encarnación, and the historic Hapsburgs District.
  • Explore downtown Madrid and its diverse neighborhoods, navigate the metro, and sample Spanish cuisine in local restaurants and markets.
  • Get to know other members of your group during activities and discussions.
  • Practice your Spanish language skills with locals and shop clerks.
  • Picnic and people watch like a local in the serene Retiro Park.
  • Go on a daylong excursion to the “Imperial City” Toledo, a UNESCO world heritage site, and marvel at its diverse architecture and historic sites and learn about its expansive cultural heritage.

During the orientation period, you and your group will stay in a centrally-located hostel.

Days 4-27

Host Communities and Homestay

  • Spend time with Spanish families and communities as you share meals and do activities with your hosts, such as art and a film night.
  • Explore your host community and the surrounding area with your group, such as hiking nature trails, visiting the seaside and nearby beaches, or kayaking at a reservoir.

During this period, you will stay in a hostel dormitory-style or student residence during the week and with a homestay family during the weekend.

Language Training and Immersive Art Classes in Guadix

  • Attend art workshops with local teachers and artists .
  • Participate in flamenco classes and ceramics workshops, delivered in Spanish by local teachers.
  • Visit the Neighbourhood of Caves, where much of the town’s population lives underground.
  • Present what you have learned, as well your Spanish language skills, through a talent showcase final presentation.

During this period, you will stay in a dormitory-style student residence during the week and with a homestay family during the weekend.

Days 28

Program Reflection and Wrap-up in Madrid

  • Enjoy a final day in Madrid, doing some last-minute souvenir shopping and celebrating a final dinner with your group.
  • Reflect with your group on your experiences during the program as you prepare to return home.

During the reflection period, you and your group will stay in a centrally located hotel.

Day 29



Past Group Leader

The Experiment’s group leaders go through a rigorous selection process and have extensive experience with youth education, local expertise in the country or region of their program, language abilities, knowledge in their program theme, travel logistics and management know-how, and experience with health, safety and risk management.

Marisol Pletan

Marisol is a native of Guayaquil, Ecuador. While in high School She took her first trip to the Galapagos Islands where she was inspired to write her monograph research “Tourism in Ecuador” published in her high school newsletter. She then attended Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte, a private school in Guayaquil where she obtained her degree in Journalism. While in school she took a job as a reporter for the country’s largest newspaper. Realizing the importance of being bilingual in her career she took a year off school and enrolled in an exchange student program, traveled to Bournemouth – England and attended King’s College to learn English. Marisol moved to Toronto Canada and enrolled in continuous study courses in International Trade. She lived in Toronto for 10 years before she moved to United States with her family. Marisol lives in Murfreesboro, Tennessee where she attended Middle Tennessee State University and obtained her Master’s in Education Leadership and Instruction with an endorsement in ESL. Marisol has worked with ESL students at the elementary and middle school level. Currently Marisol is teaching Spanish at a public high school in Bell Buckle, TN. Later on, she plans to pursue a Ph. D. in Language, Literacy and Culture.