Four Student Perspectives, Activities, and closing comments (Group 2)

Horseback riding with the Gauchos.    – Experimenter Ava

The last leg of our journey in Argentina was a camping and horseback riding excursion. We ate an incredible asado lunch at a beautiful ranch, and then got on our horses and rode to the camp site. It was pretty chilly at night, but luckily our sleeping bags kept us warm. We played games such as ultimate frisbee and mafia, talked around the fire, and enjoyed more delicious meals together. Our second day of horseback riding took us up into the mountains for an incredible view. On the way back down we were even able to canter through a field. The third day we rode back to the ranch for our final asado lunch. Despite many group members having no previous riding experienced, everyone was able to learn and become more confident in their riding abilities. This portion of the trip was definitely a highlight for many.


July 27th, 2018

Today was the day I faced one of my fears: vertigo. And what’s worse? I had to face it with not only my two legs, but on my partner in crime- Boxer the Horse. (Yes, I named my horse Boxer. I felt the need to keep the heroic character of Animal Farm alive). To be completely honest, I was scared to death hiking. Jumping, trotting, and even galloping were things I had to overcome, and I’m extremely proud that I conquered (well somewhat) my fear of extreme high altitude. Now, you may ask me how in the world I would even agree to do something so dangerous. The answer is easy: the most fun one has in life is whenever his life is on the line. I knew that if I did this haunting task, I would experience something that is not only memorable to me for the rest of life, but also a teaching on how sometimes being insecure can actually have positive outcomes and lessons. On that note, I am not championing the idea of taking deadly risk at every opportunity that life brings, but I do believe that those exhilarating moments that we have so few of, are only the ones where we are out of our comfort zones. I am extremely thankful to be apart of such a team that pressures me (in a moderate way) to continue doing activities like hiking on horseback or even rafting, where I am doing something that I haven’t done before. I can assure you that if it weren’t for them and their ability to keep up a positive morale throughout this trip, I wouldn’t have had nearly of a life changing experience. I wouldn’t have known the awesome cool breeze that soars around your body as you gallop on a horse or the beautiful city line and landscape that can only be seen if you go up into the mountains.

We are near the end of our trip and all I can say is “Vamanos” as we spend ever final moment together as awesome as ever!

I would like to thank The Experiment and Minds Matter Boston for allowing me to take part in such an amazing journey. You have given me a different perspective on life, and this trip had humbled me while giving me motivation to continue my own path towards my dreams.

Forever in your debt,

Kenneth W. Douyon, rising senior at Prospect Hill Academy Charter School


White water rafting through the mountains of Argentina was absolutely breath taking. The frigid morning gracefully transformed into a sunny afternoon with clear skies and blue waters. After we got all our gear and learned first-hand from the locals how to be an expert boat crew, we embarked on our stunning adventure. We battled through rapids and cruised through currents. Dinosaur fossil and argentine history riddled the background of the land we had just triumphantly navigated. It was a moment to enjoy and to remember.

– Experimenter Christian

Wrapping Up – Experimenter James

Here we are at the end of our amazing experience. At the beginning of our trip, many of us were nervous, distant, and wanted to go back home because we didn’t like stepping out of our comfort zone. I was one of those people that hated it at soon as I got here; I was uncomfortable with a new environment, but as time went along our group started to blend together. We started to bond as a family. We shared many unforgettable moments together, and as a result we have all grown, learned new skills, and have a greater vision of ourselves and the world. I’m thankful for being able to take part on such a amazing experience and I’m happy to say i had the perfect people by my side to go through this journey with me.