AlumniProgram StoriesThailand: From Ancient Temples to Bangkok
October 17, 2016

Chiang Rai

Led Zeppelin was blasting, a black-hole sun glared through the windows of a stuffy bus, and a group full of new-found friends precariously approached the hilltop tribes of Chiang Rai, Thailand. Eager to learn and explore, I started to collect my thoughts and tried to anticipate what it was we…
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AlumniEventsProgram Stories
September 13, 2016

Ay Nicaragua Nicaraguita

Thousands of Nicaraguans bused into Managua Wednesday to celebrate the 37th anniversary of the triumph of the Sandinista Revolution, which put an end to the decades-long Somoza dynasty. In an effort to avoid the chaos and the crowds, participants of the 2016 Experiment in International Living program to Nicaragua and…
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About The ExperimentContestsWanderlust
September 10, 2016

The Experiment Photo Contest – 2016

As we head into fall, we’re excited to launch our 2016 Instagram photo contest! The contest starts today and we will be reviewing your photos until September 16th. Be sure to follow us on Instagram as we share exciting news about the contest and winning photos!
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